Don’t miss this interview with Barbara Khozam on How to turn around BAD Customer Service, by Jake Gudger, whom many consider the “Young Challenger” of digital marketing experts today.

In an era of multi-channel marketing, customer service remains a crucial component of company success.

In this interview, you’ll learn

• Fundamentals of BAD Customer Service
• Why managers need to lead the effort of great customer service
• Finding and keeping the right people: what qualities to look for in an interviewee
• Examples of Great and BAD customer service
• Importance of feedback: surveys, comment cards, suggestion boxes
• The importance of monitoring comments on your social media and review sites
• Top 5 tips for great customer service
• And so much more!

As usual, feel free to leave your comments below.
About Jake Gudger
In an era overwhelmed by technology and digital tools, Jake Gudger provides clarity, guidance, and simple-strategies that grow your impact, influence, and income.

He is the founder of Embark Internet Marketing specializing in Cross Channel Marketing, Online Video, and Copywriting for professional speakers, authors, consultants, coaches, and local businesses.

He’s worked as a full-time product launch manager for other experts including #1 NY Times Bestselling authors, and Oprah guests, including Jennifer Lauck. He has advised hundreds of speakers on how to increase their visibility and their profits through offline/online marketing including product launches, text messaging, telemarketing, email, social media, and direct mail.

But be forewarned, his inspirational, hard-hitting, and practical advice is mixed with irreverent humor and occasional bouts of sarcasm. Often reminding his friends, family, and inner circle of clients that, “If you can’t laugh at a fart joke, I don’t want you in my life.”

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