Have you noticed customer service lately?

Let’s face it. Customer service is B-A-A-A-A-A-D, no…wait a minute. Customer service is terrible — everywhere. People are so accustomed to getting lousy service that when they are treated well, they are often surprised and even shocked. Nobody seems to care, and it shows. People expect lazy staff, late deliveries, dirty restrooms, faulty parts…and the list goes on.

The following blog comes from an interview for CEO Magazine and is between CEO’s reporter, Tammy Lawman and Customer Service Expert, Barbara Khozam.

Tammy Lawman:… And we’re here to talk about bad customer service today. So let’s start with why are customer service and great customer experiences more important than ever?

Barbara Khozam: Great question Tammy. Well, in my opinion customer service has always been important but in today’s economy and with all the choices the consumers have, exceptional customer service is becoming the determining factor. If a company wants to not only survive but if they want to thrive, they have got to provide this. You know, I don’t know about you, but what I’ve noticed lately is it seems that bad customer service is the norm and survive but if they want to thrive, they have got to provide this. You know, I don’t know about you, but what I’ve noticed lately is it seems that bad…  CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING

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