What’s better than joining the MileHi Club? Listening to Barbara Khozam’s interview by Greg Giesen on MileHiRadio.com, that’s what! Don’t miss this humourous and insightful interview about today’s prevalent BAD Customer Service, hosted by Greg Giesen and Dr. Allison Friederichs.

Click the link then go to the February 11th recording.  Enjoy!


Mondays At 3 is a weekly talk show, hosted by Greg Giesen on MileHiRadio.com from 3-4pm MST, featuring powerful messages from inspirational authors, speakers, and business leaders. The show highlights success stories from ordinary people who’ve become extraordinary. In short, the show provides a template to help you become the person you were meant to be.
About Greg: Greg Giesen is president of Greg Giesen & Associates, a management development company specializing in conflict resolution, leadership development, team building, and motivational speaking. Giesen was a graduate professor at the University of Denver for fourteen years and has authored three books on Creating Authenticity, including his latest, Mondays At 3: A Story for Managers Learning to Lead. In addition, Giesen facilitates the award-winning workshop, Leading From Within, and is the producer and host of the Mondays At 3 talk radio show on Mile Hi Radio. Tune in each and every Monday at 3 to listen!

To contact Greg:

Phone: 303-346-0183
Email: greg@greggiesen.com
Website: www.greggiesen.com

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