Don’t miss this interview with Barbara Khozam on How to turn around BAD Customer Service, by Jake Gudger, whom many consider the “Young Challenger” of digital marketing experts today. In an era of multi-channel marketing, customer service remains a crucial...
I just read an article about a customer’s bad experience at Best Buy titled “Will Best Buy’s Horrible Customer Service Sink Samsung?” Because of the bad experience, the author now has a bad impression of the company in general – and wasn’t afraid to write about...
A few weeks ago, I was interviewed by radio station about BAD Customer Service. A caller asked, ”Can a company provide great external customer service while harboring poor internal customer service.” And my answer—without pausing—was, “NO!… Not...
We’ve all been told that bad customer service impacts the bottom line. But, does it? A recent article in USA Today (March 16, 2013) reported on the 9 worst retailers with the worst customer service The big surprise: several of them continued to...
When did it become fashionable to be so rude? In the past several weeks, I’ve had several people ask me about those rude customers that I referred to in my blog titled “Why are you (as a customer) so rude? Disgruntled employees want to know.” One question asker works...
We’ve all heard the term “Fake it ‘til you make it.” But, can we truly apply this philosophy to customer service? If customers know that you’re “faking kindness,” won’t that annoy them? Does it annoy you when someone isn’t being sincerely kind to you? OR, do you...