It’s the holiday season. A time of massive shopping for “the day,” but what if we focused on giving with no expectation of getting anything in return? I bet we would gain something even better—a feeling of pride, happiness, and deep fulfillment.

Real World Story: Check out this experiment in a mall in the United Kingdom.

Random shoppers were given gifts to give to total strangers. Try to watch it without crying.Grand Central Station - giving

Strategies that Turn it Around:

  1. Simple gestures. Especially during the holiday hustle and bustle, do something nice for a stranger. For example, hold a door for someone, let someone with one item cut in line, compliment someone on her beautiful coat or his cheery sweater.
  2. A call. Call a loved one and tell them one thing you appreciate about them. It’s nice to get a phone call from a relative or friend that doesn’t involve bad news or gossip. Make your call about the other person and what you appreciate about him or her. Simply start by saying, “I was thinking about you today…”
  3. A note. While not as personal as a phone call, a nice handwritten note will always be warmly received. The art of letter and note writing is a dying art form, so when one is received, your giving is even that more special. Please be aware this is different than signing your name to the bottom of a greeting card!
  4. Put your money where your heart is. Want to go the extra mile in giving? Then instead of letting a person with one item cut in line, offer to pay for that item. When out to dinner, pay for an elderly couple’s meal or the single mother or father with two kids. You don’t have to look hard to find many other ways to offer financial support to others. It’s just a matter of opening your eyes—and your heart.

Remember: Positive behavior is contagious. So why not let the next epidemic of positivity start with you?

What do YOU do during the holiday season—or on any other ordinary day—to bring happiness to others? Please share in the comments section below.

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