Just when you think customer service can’t get any worse, you hear a story that simply surprises you.

Real World Story: A few days ago, one of my clients shared with me the following story:
“One day, I decided to call Mercury Insurance Group to ask about insurance options. The customer service representative was difficult to understand due to this heavy accent. We were obviously not in sync with our communication, so I asked to speak to a supervisor. He replied, “I’m not going to connect you to the supervisor because of a question like that!” He then HUNG UP!”

My client was so livid that he immediately expressed his displeasure on the Mercury Insurance Facebook fan page. Several hours after his post, my client received a phone call from a regional manager. After listening to my client explain the situation, the manager apologized profusely, gave him free Padre’s baseball tickets, then promised something would be done about the situation. My client was so impressed that he deleted his earlier negative comment on Facebook and added a positive one.

My client went from complaining about Mercury Insurance to bragging about the insurance company in less than 24 hours! Now that’s how you handle an irate customer! Way to go Mercury.

Strategies that Turn it Around:

1. The sooner you respond to a negative comment about your product or service, the better the situation is likely to be resolved.
2. Actively listen to complainants without interruption.
3. Apologize sincerely.
4. Promise to take care of the situation — outline the solution to your client or customer and then do it!

Remember: Customers who complain are doing you a favor by letting you know first hand what isn’t working within your company. And if complaints are treated promptly and correctly, complainants may just become your best advocates.

As a customer or client, have you had a negative experience quickly become positive because a company representative addressed your complaint promptly, efficiently, and beyond your expectations? Please share in the comments below.

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