All people are inherently nice-and now I have proof!

My mother’s health has been declining for the past seven or so years. She’s at the point now where she must use a motorized wheelchair to get around. My mother is extremely independent and has mastered the art of asking for help. When my mother asks for help, almost 100% of the people whom she asks help her-and do so enthusiastically. The key is “when to ask.” She’s found, through experience, that people will watch her struggle yet won’t offer to help. But, if she asks for help, almost everyone will gladly step up and help her. She’s even noticed that children are more likely to help her when they see her struggle. If children can do it, why can’t adults? And why even wait until we’re asked? Step up, step in, and lend a helping hand.

Real World Story #1: I was in the lobby of a medical group’s building when I helping someoneobserved the following: a Medical Assistant popped through a door and yelled out a patient’s name. The patient could not stand up quickly enough. He tried, but was slow to move. He continued to struggle (and became visibly embarrassed) while the MA just stood at the door watching. Looking impatient, the MA called out for another  patient, who got to the door quickly, and they both disappeared through the door. The struggling patient finally got up and slowly made his way to the closed door-obviously hoping that the MA would return. Luckily, the MA did return several minutes later, with a wheelchair.

Real World Story #2: Last week, as I walked through the lobby of a hotel with my box of books atop of my roller bag, the box fell out. As I stopped to retrieve the box, I dropped the roller bag. Now, all of my belongings were strewn everywhere. As I glanced at the front desk, I noticed a woman who was standing there. She simply stood and watched as I struggled. Really?

Strategies to turn this around:

1. Pay attention to your customers and what they’re doing. You don’t know when they’ll need your help.

2. When you see a customer struggling and in need of assistance, help her. You will create a loyal, raving fan in the process.

2. Don’t wait until your customers ask for help-just do it when you see the need.

I’d love to hear YOUR thoughts.  Share your best ideas, tips and feedback on customer service in the comments below.

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