Real World Example:  It happened the other day. I wasn’t thinking about anything special. I just needed to complete the task of finding a pet sitter for my cat, Peaches. I called the PetSmart Pet Hotel and spoke with a gentleman named Mark. During our conversation, he casually mentioned ‘You’re going to need an MBA before you bring Peaches in.” I’m silent for a few seconds.  “An MBA?” I asked. “I have a Chemistry degree but I’m not sure I’ll have time to get an MBA between now and Thursday.” He laughed and said “An MBA is a Master Boarding Agreement, stupid!” (OK, he didn’t say stupid but I sure felt stupid!)


Suggestion: Know your audience. When communicating with co-workers, use any and all acronyms you can. Make it a contest. However, when communicating with your customers, avoid the use of acronyms. I know that you’re smart and knowledgeable. However, customers do not understand your jargon and may feel stupid in the process.



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