As a customer service professional, my business credo—and my philosophy of life, really—is you don’t have to like me. You don’t even have to agree with me. BUT you DO have to respect me.

So what’s the difference? It’s simple. To like someone or to agree with another means finding common ground that unites you with someone else.

To respect someone else requires no common ground, no like-mindedness, no similarities. To respect someone requires you to treat others with kindness, to treat them like you want to be treated. To respect others is to see them as you are, a fellow human.

Check out my video in which I discuss an incident with a shoe salesman who, based on my apparel and appearance, doesn’t like me very much from the very start of our interaction. His highly apparent judgment of me gets in the way of him treating me with common decency, with treating me like a fellow human.

After watching my video, please share your thoughts with me.

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