So why not simply treat everyone with respect and kindness from the get go?

Have you ever been treated differently because of your appearance? Good or bad? Well guess what? So have your customers. It’s hard NOT to judge but it’s essential in delivering an extraordinary customer experience. If you do this right, you WILL surpass your competition. Yay!

Real World Story: Many times we make quick judgments about people simply because of how they look, dress or talk. We may think someone is untrustworthy because of how they are dressed or because they have tattoos or body piercings. Maybe we think they will be difficult to deal with and will be demanding because they are senior citizens. Maybe we think they will be a problem simply because they speak with a foreign accent. And we make these judgments immediately and with no real shred of evidence.

Conversely, have you ever seen a great looking person who is well dressed and well spoken only to find out they are the last person in the world you would ever spend any time with? I’m guessing the answer is yes. You see, you just never know what type of person lurks behind a tattoo, worn out clothing, an accent or wrinkles. So why not simply treat everyone with respect and kindness from the get go?

Strategies that Turn it Around:

  1. Focus on need and not appearance. Forget about a person’s appearance when they speak to you. Focus on what they say to you, so you can understand what it is that they need help with.
  2. Listen for understanding. Whether a person is speaking with a heavy accent or uses slang or their voice trembles a little, concentrate on what the person is saying instead of how they are speaking. Listen to their words, so you can understand how you can help them.
  3. Let your heart lead you. No matter how a person looks and sounds, let your heart lead you. Focus on the opportunity before you to help another person. This will help you to treat everyone with respect and kindness.

Remember: How people look and sound is the exterior of a person. To learn what is in the interior, you must learn to focus and listen to what people need while you let your heart lead you into the service of others.

What do you do to ensure that you don’t judge people?

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