After all, the one with the loudest voice wins. Negative Ned Says… “If the customer yells at me, it’s perfectly okay for me to yell back. I have to defend myself. I have feelings too, you know.” Positive Paul Says… “This is a tough one. When someone is...
Does it say Google on your paycheck? Negative Ned Says… “I don’t want to insult the intelligence of my customers. They are adults. So I talk as little as possible. If they want an explanation, they’ll ask for it or look it up on the Internet. They wouldn’t want...
My coach, mentor and friend, Dave Sheffield, wrote a great article on customer service. Feel free to leave your comments at the bottom. Thanks, Dave, for letting me share. 7 Miles for Sushi by Dave Sheffield on Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 9:30am · “Never judge a man...
Excuse me, this is a private conversation. Negative Ned Says… “Chatting with my friends on the phone is my priority. You’ll just have to wait. Not to mention the texting I have to do when I get off the phone. So just cool your jets and don’t irritate me. After...
You don’t want to invade a person’s privacy, duh. Negative Ned Says… “I don’t call my customers by name because, for one thing, some of them have names with too many syllables. Or their names sound like video-game characters. My memory isn’t that good, either....
As I watched USA’s “Fab Five” (women’s gymnastics team) win the gold medal in the team competition, it dawned on me that their journey to success is similar to the success of businesses that provide excellent customer service. Here are the FIVE...