While working on research for my upcoming book, I came across an innovative new company.  This company, named SERVICE, helps customers settle product and service complaints with one simple call, click or touch.

Have you ever called a company to voice a complaint only having to repeat yourself again and again as you get transferred from person to person?

Have you ever had to call on multiple days until your issue was finally resolved?

Have you ever been put on hold for more than 20 minutes listening to how “your call is important to us”?

What if a better way to resolve customer service issues without wasting time and effort was available?

Well, that’s where SERVICE comes in handy.  While I have yet to use the service myself, I have found the company to be at the forefront of customer dispute resolution based on the information on its website.  The only thing customers have to do to initiate a case is to tell their problem to the company with as much detail as possible. SERVICE does all the rest. You can even do it from your smartphone. THEY make the calls, again and again, to the different departments until the issue is resolved—or not. To date, they have helped more than 10,000 customers. Here’s a screen shot of the simple process:Getservice

It’s worth a shot, don’t you think?  And with its tagline, “Hold music shouldn’t be the soundtrack of your life,” how can you not want to give it a try?  While I’m not affiliated with SERVICE nor a paid or otherwise compensated representative, I do find its innovative approach to customer service a refreshing idea and something worth telling others about.

If you want to check out the company online, simply visit https://getservice.com. If you happen to use the service, I would love to hear your story—whether your experience was good or bad.

I look forward to your replies. Do you know of other innovative customer service companies? If so, please share in the comments section below!

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