These days, customers are much more concerned with how their personal info is handled—and who can blame them? According to Cisco’s 2024 Data Privacy Benchmark Study, a whopping 94% of users believe customers will bail if their data isn’t locked down tight.

Data protection regulations are popping up left and right. Companies everywhere are scrambling to prioritize privacy—and it’s not just a trend, it’s a must-have with cybersecurity issues costing organizations millions of dollars. Data privacy is especially important in fields like healthcare, where HIPAA rules need to stay secure.

Amidst the stress of protecting data at all costs there is good news. Around 80% of surveyed users reported a major boost in trust and loyalty after investing in data privacy. 

Want to jump on that bandwagon? Here’s how your customer service representatives can become privacy champions and make customers feel like their data is in good, capable hands:

  • Train your team on secure data handling and what to do if things go sideways
  • Make sure identity verification is airtight with little room for error
  • Keep customer data on a need-to-know basis (sorry, over-sharers!)
  • Design/invest in your customer service tools with privacy in mind from day one
  • Implement and manage data consent like a pro
  • Team up with security-focused software vendors

If you’d like further insight into building trust and loyalty among customers for repeat business, great reviews and stellar survey responses, schedule a complimentary consultation with me!


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