Stated simply, put your customer first, and the functions of your job will follow along easily.

Stated simply, put your customer first, and the functions of your job will follow along easily.

Many service agents in the field of customer service get stuck in the belief that complying with the functions of their job description equates to an exceptional agent who delivers great customer service. But this can’t be any further from the truth when they neglect the purpose of their job.

Real world story: A function is anything to do with the technical aspects of interacting with a customer, like entering customer data into a computer, following established protocols for issuing refunds, going through a pre-determined checklist of steps to take when a guest registers at your hotel, or entering a payment from a patient at your medical clinic. Don’t get me wrong, being able to execute the functions of your job are important. But the purpose of your job is the reason behind why you perform the functions of it. In customer service, your purpose as an agent is to deliver a memorable experience to all customers. So you create a disservice to your customers and to you by focusing on your functions and not paying enough attention to or neglecting your purpose altogether.

Strategies that Turn it Around:

  1. Think Big Picture: It is relatively easy to get quagmired in the minutiae of how to perform your job. You have countless policies, procedures and protocols to follow for nearly any customer service problem or issue. This can be overwhelming. And when it does, we tend to lose sight of the bigger picture of our job’s purpose. That bigger picture is delivering exceptional customer service. When the details of your job start to bog you down, remember that your number one priority is to WOW your customers.
  2. Put Your Customer First: Always focus first on your customer and then on that customer’s needs. Remember to smile, be positive, listen intently, and use your customer’s name throughout your interaction. This shows customers that you think of them as real people and that you have their best interest in mind. And this makes them feel special and cared for. Once you have established rapport with your customer, perform your functions as usual while not losing the focus on your customer. This will allow you to put a personal touch to your interaction, as well as making the interaction efficient and effective. Stated simply, put your customer first, and the functions of your job will follow along easily.

Remember: Being able to perform the functions as your job as a customer service agent is great. This makes you a technically efficient and effective agent. But when you forget the purpose of your job, then you may just find that you are not delivering the exceptional service to your customers that you think you are. And when this happens, you do a disservice to your customers and to you!

What do YOU do to ensure that your team members are continually in touch with the purpose of their job in order to delivery exceptional customer service?

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