Happy holidays and warm tidings to one and all! During the last couple of months, I’ve written about making the holidays just a little nicer for everyone you encounter, the power of positivity and being nice, and the benefits of giving over receiving. So, this holiday season, I’d love for you to experience the contagious feeling of showing others what’s truly in your heart.123 christmas kindness

I have two wishes for you. First, I wish for each and every one of you to have and enjoy the very best of the season with friends and family. Second, I wish for each of you to bask in the awesomeness of paying it forward with a random act of kindness before the end of the year—December 31st! Don’t think about it too long. Just be spontaneous. Open your heart and you’ll soon see many opportunities come up to pay it forward with a stranger, an acquaintance or a co-worker.

May your random act of kindness, whether small or large—sharing a warm hello with a stranger or  paying for your neighbor’s holiday layaway—fill you with the warmth of good cheer, immense pleasure, and unbridled joy.

Season’s Greetings!


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