Photo by Sound On from Pexels

How you feel physically and mentally will determine how you deal with people, which is an important issue for those of us in the field of customer service. A recent article, which cites an interesting non-peer reviewed study, discusses how fast-tempo, high-key music with happy, nonsensical lyrics can put you in a feel-good, happy mood. If YOU would like to become more happy, enter Barbara’s “21-Day Happy Pants Challenge.” To get started, email Barbara at today!

Real World Story: In previous posts, I have written about tips you can apply to put your body and mind in a calm and peaceful place before starting your work shift in customer service. For example, I have discussed the topic of avoiding the news on television and the radio in the morning because the majority of it has much doom and gloom, which easily puts you in a negative mood. But what can you do to put yourself in a positive mood? Music, of course! And we all have favorite playlists, right? Music for working out, music for studying or paying the bills, music for feeling nostalgic or for when we need a good cathartic cry to refresh our soul—so why not create a playlist of upbeat, cheerful music for starting our workday in customer service, music that puts us in a giving mood, a happy mood, an “attitude of service” to others mood?

Strategies that Turn it Around:

  1. Create Music Playlist. To begin your playlist, you can start by using the 10 songs discussed in the article above. Then start adding other favorite songs that put you in a happy mindset.
  2. Revise Music Playlist. Every so often, look over your playlist to see if you can add to it. While great music never goes out of style, new music is always being released. Keep your list fresh and exciting, and listen on your way to work every day.

Remember: How we feel physically and mentally will determine how we interact with other people. So why not guarantee that we treat everyone with an attitude of service by putting together a playlist of music that gets us in the giving frame of mind. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did!

What do you do to ensure you are in the best frame of mind to interact with your customers, clients or patients?

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