If you get sucked into negativity, like from watching the news, then your day will most likely be negative.

Do you watch the news every day? Do you come home from work and immediately turn on the TV? and then sit and watch it until bedtime? And for many of us, because of the pandemic and having to shelter in place at home, do we watch TV all day long? In this video, you’ll learn tips on what to do when the TV is off.

Real World Story: Right after taking the first sip of coffee of the day, what’s the next thing you do? Odds are you probably turn on your television to watch the news. Am I right? And even if you’re doing other things and not sitting in front of the TV, you probably have the volume preset so you can still hear it while you run around. Unfortunately, most of the news is never good news. It’s negative and lately, divisive and destructive. And that negativity sets you on the path to having a bad day. While I am an advocate of being informed, I am not an advocate of getting sucked into the news to the point that it ruins your positive attitude.

Strategies that Turn it Around:

  1. Jump-start your body and mind. Dedicate 10 minutes a day to exercise. From the first day, you’ll see a noticeable difference in your attitude from getting the endorphins in your body firing up your mind.
  2. Jump-start your creativity. Dedicate 5 minutes to something creative, like writing. It doesn’t have to be anything too complicated. Jot down goals for the day. Jot down personal tasks you’d like to get done. Simply writing for 5 minutes will get you moving with a positive outlook toward accomplishment.
  3. Jump-start relationships. End your day by turning on your curiosity and turning off the TV. Sit down with another person and play any number of probing questions games. Playing one of these games will lead you to more fulfilling and deeper relationships with other people.

Remember: What you do first thing in the morning can set your attitude for the rest of the day. If you get sucked into negativity, like from watching the news, then your day will most likely be negative. So instead, start the day with something positive and have a wonderful day. What do you have to lose? Give it a try.

What do you do to ensure you start off and end your day with a positive attitude?

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