How lucky are we in the field of customer service to be doing what we love?

Did you know that helping others offers many advantages to the giver, especially being a happier person? Well, research shows there are many benefits to being of service to others. Watch my video to learn about all the benefits of having an “attitude of service.” If YOU would like to become more happy, enter Barbara’s “21-Day Happy Pants Challenge.” To get started, email Barbara at today!

Real World Story: I’m sure you’ve heard the expression that if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. How lucky are we in the field of customer service to be doing what we love? I hope you just nodded enthusiastically in agreement. But if you didn’t, don’t worry. Just keep reading a bit more and don’t forget to view this week’s blog video!

Strategies that Turn it Around:

  1. Focus on solutions. It’s especially easy to get caught up in a negative situation when a customer is screaming at you. So don’t get trapped by the yelling and fussing. Do keep in mind this is an extreme example and not all customer service interactions are difficult. The point is, once you know exactly what a customer needs, spend your time and energy in thinking about solutions to the problem. Customers, even angry ones, will turn around quickly when they know you are there to help.
  2. Walk a mile in their shoes. Showing empathy is another way to get in the right frame of mind when helping others. Understand what the customer is feeling by putting yourself in their shoes. When you show empathy, customers will know you care about them.

Remember: Helping others can make us happier people, and by focusing on solutions and showing empathy to customers, we can block out unnecessary external distractions that only delay us and add extra work and energy that can be better spent being happy and making happy customers.

What do you do to ensure you are in the best frame of mind to interact with your customers, clients or patients?

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