The best way to combat worry is to be prepared for any given situation.

Are you ever consumed with negative thinking and worry? Do you want to learn some easy steps to change your thinking? Watch this video for some practical and realistic insight.

Real World Story: Negativity has been proven to be evolutionary. Knowing which plants are poisonous, which animals are predators and which landscapes are dangerous have allowed us to survive by passing that negative information from generation to generation since the beginning of time. But in a developed modern society, having a negative way of thinking is now out of place and may cause others to view you in a not so great light. So what can we do to change our thinking to focus on the positive and not the negative aspects of what may or may not happen in any given situation?

Strategies that Turn it Around:

  1. Reframe. When you find yourself thinking negatively, turn those thoughts on their head and reframe the situation. For example, you may be anxious about going to a party where you don’t know anyone. Well, reframe that situation. Reframe your thinking from fretting about not knowing anyone to being excited about the opportunity to meet new people.
  2. Be Prepared. Much of our modern negativity has to do with worry. And the best way to combat worry is to be prepared for any given situation. For example, you may have negative thoughts about giving a presentation to a group of professionals. So you worry about not having all the answers to potential questions. Well, make a list of possible questions you may be asked, come up with answers and then practice, practice, practice.

Remember: We are hard-wired to be negative because of self-preservation, but with a few tips and much practice, we can live in a more positive frame of mind.

What do YOU do to maintain a positive way of thinking?

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