Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas from Pexels

When you have something to look forward to, like a vacation, you can change your negative thinking to positive. Watch this quick video for an example or two.

Real World Story: Our thoughts are what make us negative or positive people. They can make us sad. They can make us happy. Situations and other people themselves, whether good or bad, don’t make us happy or sad, but how we think of them does. Therefore, we control how we want to see the world around us, so why not choose to be positive people? Also consider that our thoughts are like a muscle. Therefore, the more we work on having positive thoughts, the bigger and stronger our mental muscle will become. And there is no better exercise for working out our thoughts than having something to look forward to, like a vacation, a favorite television show, seeing a special someone. The list is endless. Ready? Let’s begin. Think of something to look forward to. Think positively about getting to that something special. Do ten reps. Then repeat. Feeling more positive yet?

Strategies that Turn it Around:

  1. Choose something to look forward to. Looking forward to something doesn’t have to be as grand as an extravagant vacation or a big holiday. It can be as easy and simple as your favorite television show. The idea is simply to find something that lifts you up and cuts through all the noise of the day. What puts a smile on your face?
  2. Think positively about getting to what you look forward to. When life starts to get you down, simply think of that one thing you are looking forward to. I guarantee that you will immediately feel uplifted. Simply thinking about that something special will start to change your thoughts from negative to positive. You’ll even begin to see that pesky customer and that nagging coworker in a new light, a positive light that shines on your empathy for others.
  3. Repeat the positive thoughts throughout each day. Throughout the day, think about that one thing you are looking forward to. The more you think about that one thing, the more positive you will become. After a while, you will notice that you no longer dwell on negative thoughts as much as you used to, thanks to your new mental muscle.

Remember: Our thoughts are like a muscle. We can let that muscle atrophy with negativity, or we can exercise our thoughts to thinking more positively. And in no time, you’ll be flexing that strong muscle for greater and greater positivity. And like any physical exercise program, this too won’t be easy. It takes active participation, repetition and long-term commitment.

How do YOU zap negativity to increase the satisfaction level of your customer service delivery?

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