The customer is always right.

The customer is always right.

A guest post by Karthik:

The kind of customer service you receive from any store determines whether you will come back or not. If you receive bad service, you will storm out of that place with a lot of disappointment. Chances are you won’t recommend that place to anyone.

Real world story: When you are in business, you get to interact with all types of customers, and one thing that is notable to every business owner is that there are some customers who will always keep on coming back. This shows that they are satisfied by the services they are offered with.

Every company wants to thrive in the ever competitive industry by offering excellent customer service, but this is not enough. The business must not only offer customer service, but they should make it unique – make their services to stand out among the rest. Businesses known for good customer service, like Nordstrom, swear on the fact that providing good service to their customers is one of the top five reasons for their immense success.

According to a research conducted by Walter, a consulting firm, customer service will be the primary classifier between successful and non-successful firms by 2020. Thinkjar, a customer strategy consulting company, shows that 55% of buyers are more likely to overspend if served well.

Strategies That Turn It Around:

Here are more reasons why customer service is crucial for all businesses:

  1. It attracts more customers: Unique and excellent customer service helps a business to gain loyal customers. This ensures that the business keeps on running and concentrates on offering better services.
  2. Brands are built through customer service: Recommendations, reviews, and referrals are strong marketing tools that every entrepreneur should take advantage of. Furthermore, it’s absolutely free! Happy customers will always share experiences with friends and family, or on social media platforms. Poor customer service, on the other hand, shuns customers away forcing you to close down or spend more on advertising as you try to redeem the company’s name.
  3. Good customer service helps reduce legal wars: Dissatisfied customers are trouble. Some may end up filling legal cases, which may lead to the closure of the business – but excellent customer service can save a business from all this hassle. By offering friendly and reassuring services from the first day a customer visits your shop, she will always feel free to inquire why her products are not okay and if the problem can be solved.

Remember: The customer is always right. Improve your customer service if you want your business to grow.

What do YOU do to ensure that you provide excellent customer service?

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