The world is already difficult enough without having to add the pressure of dealing with rude and negative people at work, at home, well, everywhere really—don’t you think? I think so. That’s why I’ve devoted a lot of time and energy developing my 21 Day “Happy Pants” Customer Service Challenge: 21 Tips on Human Connection for a Better Tomorrow. This challenge gives us the opportunity and motivation to begin a positive change within ourselves, starting within our workplace. In the long run, what we learn from this challenge will allow us to inspire positive change in others—where we work, live and play.

Real World Story: Customer Service is fundamentally one human connecting with another human to promote goodwill between the two. This is where “the spirit of service” sparks its Happy Pants buttonbeginning. On a larger scale, organizations of all sizes in all industries use customer service to create goodwill with their customers, employees, shareholders—well, really, with all people and other businesses they come into contact to serve and interact. This is where “a service culture” springs to life. Many of us, in one capacity or another, serve as customer service representatives within the service cultures of the organizations where we work, whether we are the president, a sales manager, or an actual customer service agent. Don’t forget that each of us also serves within the service cultures of our own families, neighborhoods and communities. And because of today’s exceedingly fast-moving business and home environments, with all the inhuman and ubiquitous computers and communications devices, people treat their gadgets better than they do other people. It’s no longer business as usual! Have you, as a customer, recently experienced demoralizing poor service or felt like technology has indeed surpassed our humanity? Well, fret not. I have a solution: The 21 Day “Happy Pants” Customer Service Challenge. Join me for the next 21 days in personally implementing 21 Tips on Human Connection for a Better Tomorrow. Change is good. Change is gradual. Change begins with you today.

Strategies that Turn it Around:

  1. Register today to receive my “Happy Pants” Challenge 21 Tips.
    1. Send a blank email to
    2. Look for an email from Barbara Khozam – it might be in you “junk” folder
    3. Click on the link in the email
    4. Fill in the appropriate information
    5. Start receiving the tips
  2. Download the interactive PDF, so you can document your 21 day journey.
  3. Ask others in your place of work to join you in this challenge by forwarding them a link to this blog post.
  4. Ask your management to create a contest to see who in your organization has the most success. You may contact me for more information.

Remember: The world is already a difficult place. By following my 21 simple yet effective tips for 21 days, you will transform yourself into an agent for positive change—at home, at work, throughout your community.

Are you ready to make a drastic difference? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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