We all know this person.  They are arrogant, have a ‘my way or the highway’ attitude, are poor listeners and have intense eye contact.  Some of us have worked for or with them and some of us even live with them.  I refer to them as the Egotudes. 

So, how do you deal with them?  The solution is to be fast, direct and to the point.  If you communicate via email, use bullet points. If you have to tell them about a challenge, bring in the possible solutions. It doesn’t matter if the solution is wrong, just bring in some kind of solution.  There are 2 benefits to doing so.  First it makes you look competent (you may not be, but you LOOK like it!)  Second, it’s easier for their thought process – they don’t have to think.  The conversation may sound like this “Hey boss, I’m having a problem with this and I was thinking of these possible solutions, what do you think?”  You are short, sweet and to the point.  No rambling.  Now that’s KhoZAMitude.

Tude Tip:  When dealing with an Egotude, be brief and to the point and focus on possible solutions.

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