Real World Story: So you’ve schlepped across the world in an airplane for thirteen hours. On arrival to your destination, you then schlepp your luggage around from service counter to service counter—from car rental place to hotel lobby to restaurant hostess station.

But wait! What if every place you visited gave you a welcome letter like this?

Barb's picture of letter to guest

Would this letter make you remember the company that gave you such an experience?

I bet you would.

Strategies that Tur it Around:

  1. Law 1: Always obey company policies and procedures—except when common sense tells you a new situation demands bending the rules.
  2. Law 2: Always treat consistenty all customers—except when a special need arises and you must go above and beyond to solve a customer’s problem.
  3. Law 3: Always focus 100% on your job—except when you need to pay attention to the person standing in front of you. As the letter above exemplifies, always put your customer before all else—like profits, policies and expediated processing. Put a little human spirit in your service attitude.

Remember: Exceptional service demands we go beyond the letter of the law—our strict and stringent policies and procedures—to remain flexible with every customer experience. Policies and procedures are a great foundation on which flexibility is built. And it is in keeping with the spirit of the law of great service that we build life-long loyal customers who will rave about our service again and again.

What do YOU do to create that “special” feeling for your customers? Please send me an email and let me know.

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