Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels

Life is too short to be serious all the time. Let’s take some time every day to laugh to feel happier and to deliver exceptional customer service! Watch this video for some practical insight.

Real World Story: Nothing is more contagious than laughter. It makes you feel great and also the people around you. When you laugh, patients, customers and clients will see you as cheerful, and this makes you appear more approachable and caring. So why not inject—no pun intended for you in healthcare—a little levity into your day? Your patients and customers will sure appreciate it!

Strategies that Turn it Around:

  1. Reframe Your Thinking. Children laugh about 300 times a day. Adults, only 15. So maybe it’s time we reconnected with our inner kid. While this doesn’t mean we have to join the circus, thinking happy thoughts about the funny things that happen to us and sharing them with coworkers, patients and clients can create a new way of looking at the word. We all have those “something funny happened to me on the way to work today” stories that just makes you LOL when you retell it.
  2. Tell a Joke. Need a little help reframing your thinking? Tell a joke and make people laugh. Doctor: What’s the condition of the boy who swallowed the quarter? Nurse: No change yet. Buh dum chhh! Warning: it goes without saying that any joke told in a professional setting needs to be PG-rated, and you don’t need to resort to being the class clown either. One little clean joke goes a long way.

Remember: Injecting a little laughter into your day will go a long way to making you cheerful, which then increases your patients’ and customers’ satisfaction. And that’s no laughing matter.

How do YOU use laughter to increase the satisfaction level of your customer service delivery?

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