The restaurant business is an unforgiving business. Success rates are low, competition is fierce, and reputation is everything. But, you can take measures to ensure that your restaurant — or any other type of business, really — doesn’t bellyflop because of bad...
A recent human-interest story spread across the viral airwaves, in which a Dairy Queen manager forced a customer out of his store for stealing money from a blind person. Click on the link that follows for the full story:...
Working with people may sometimes be a difficult proposition. You have to deal with a wide range of personalities and temperaments on a daily basis. And as a manger of people, this task of working with different types of team members can be daunting. The key is...
The other day, I was reading a blog post by a writer who raved about the phrase “no problem.” She just LOVES it when customer service agents reply to her requests with this phrase. In fact, she even recommends that every company on this planet institute this phrase as...
Anyone who’s ever worked in customer service will tell that the job is not always about smiles and happy customers. This is especially true when you consider that most customers won’t contact you to tell you what a fantastic experience they’ve just had with your...
Perhaps it’s simply a pet peeve of mine. Perhaps I’m simply uber-sensitive. But, I would rather be called by my name (or “princess”) instead of “ma’am.” That’s because my name is one of the sweetest sounds to my ears. My clients often ask me how they can better...