Imagine wowing your customers consistently in a way that makes your brand unforgettable? Now imagine if that company was yours! How can you do this and consistently deliver good customer service consistently? Number one: Hire the right people! Hear all...
Imagine wowing your customers in such a way that they tell everyone they know and imagine that the company is yours? Every human being has a set of expectations. The truth is, how I expect to be treated is different than how you...
Imagine wowing your customers in such a way that they tell everyone that they know and imagine that company is you? Today I’m going to share with you a few tips from my 9-step “Happy Pants” process. Want to know how you can better tailor...
Imagine wowing your customers in such a way that you clearly distinguish you from your competition? Today I’m going to answer a question that I get rather frequently and that is, “how are you different from other customer service experts?” Watch the video below to...
Imagine wowing your customers in such a way that makes you number one in your industry? Today I’m going to share with you some of the results I’ve seen due to our customer service training. Customer service is tricky when it comes to measuring results. Watch the video...